Pizza Hut phone number

What is Pizza Hut number? Would you like to find out the phone numbers of Pizza Hut? Scroll down the page to see the most up-to-date information about Pizza Hut delivery phone number and how to contact the corporation and their customer service.

Pizza Hut corporate number

Pizza Hut phone number: +1 972-338-7700

The main corporation is located at 7100 Corporate Dr, Plano, Texas 75024, United States.

For urgent cases call: 1-800-948-8488 (Call now)

Pizza Hut number

Pizza Hut delivery number

Are you looking to order Pizza Hut delivery from the nearest restaurant? Here you can find information about how to order.

There is no escape, the first thing you will need to do is to visit the official website of Pizza Hut at, to find a restaurant nearby your location by zip code and they will provide you with the relevant telephone number that you need.

The phone numbers of Pizza Hut are changing based in your location, below we will list some of the popular location of the restaurant including their contact information.

If you are from the US and you need the customer service department, you can call to Pizza Hut 1800 number which is mentioned below, but just take in consideration that this number is for urgent matters only.

So if you need the number of Pizza Hut delivery near you, you better check where are they located via their official site to get the contact no and more information you might need.

In conclusion

Pizza Hut is the largest Pizza chain and their pizzas are really one of the best you can find. We hope that this article helped you locate the numbers of the closest restaurant, you can leave a comment below to let us know.

Note that the menu and the prices are slightly different in some countries, you can find all about their menu items at the official website of Pizza Hut, and ofcourse, they also provide information about the contact details of the restaurants and the pizza delivery services.

Pizza Hut are accepting customer feedback by filling a form on their website, if you want to provide feedback, you are welcome to do so. You can also contact them via their official Twitter page at

If you have additional information that you would like to share with us about Pizza Hut numbers or anything else that might be helpful for the users of this site please contact us or leave a comment below.

I will also do my best to update this page with relevant information and more contact info by your request, so if you are looking for any specific information please let us know and we will do our best to help you.

Thank you for reading this article, you can feel free to read some more related articles and search for other phone numbers of businesses and customer services on this website, I hope to see you soon, take care and enjoy your next pizza; goodbye for now.

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