Petsmart phone number

What is Petsmart number? Looking for ways to contact Petsmart store near you by phone? Petsmart is one of the largest pets suppliers there is, scroll down to get the contact information of

Petsmart phone number: 888-839-9638

Call to the number provided below to talk with the customer service of Petsmart.


You can also send an email to Petsmart using this form, you should expect to get an answer within 2 days of labor.

Petsmart Phone Number

Petsmart corporate phone number

Tel: +1 800-738-1385 – Call now

Dial to this number to talk with the corporation office.

Location: 19601 N 27th Ave, Phoenix, AZ 85027, USA.

Here are the services that are provided by the company:

  • Grooming
  • Pet hotel
  • Training
  • Pet hospital
  • And more…

You can visit this page to find more of the services provided by Petsmart and how you can call them by phone.

Petsmart grooming phone number

Tel: +1 916-774-8205 – Call now

Call to this no. to get to the grooming service of PetSmart.

You can also book the next appointment for your pet online here.


You can use the petsmart hr phone number provided below (888-839-9638) to contact with PetSmart customer care in their hours of operation, this 800 number is the main number of Petsmart help and support center.

If you have questions about this topic, or anything to add to this page, just contact us by email and we will get back to you within a short period of time.

This site is not associates with Pstsmart, we are publishing information about the contact information of businesses such as the above, we recommend to visit the official website of this company for the most up-to-date information about the ways to contact them.

We are not responsible for any inaccuracy in the contact information that you might find on this website, read the terms and conditions of this site for more info.