Costco phone number

What is Costco customer service phone number? Looking for a way to contact Costco warehouse nearby? Costco is one of the largest wholesale stores in the USA and around the world.

They are selling electronics, furniture, computers, jewelry and more. On this page we will cover the contact info of Costco customer care.

Costco phone number: 1-800-774-2678

Dial to this 1 800 number to speak with a customer care representive.


Costco Wholesale Customer Service Phone Number

Costco corporate office phone number

Tel: +1 425-313-8100 – Call now

Call to the number provided below to get to Costco’s corporate office.

Location: 999 Lake Dr, Issaquah, WA 98029, USA.

Get directions

Use the Google map below to get directions to Costco corporate office in Issaquah.

Costco customer service phone number

Costco warehouse provide support by phone to their customers, you as a customer can call to them to ask about prices, services, what’s in stock etc.

They have a special website that is dedicated for customer support issues only, you may visit this site and use the search box to find the most updated contact information that you need right now.

Costco wholesale have many departments, for each department there is a different contact number, if you want to find a specific number, visit the official site of Costco here and here, all of their 1 800 toll free numbers can be found on those pages and you can talk with a human on the other side.

Another way to contact Costco customer care is by email, if you want to send an email to their support team visit this page, fill the form and click on “Submit Your Question”.

You will probably get an answer to your inbox within a few business days,  you can also try to talk with them via Facebook here.

If you have any questions or that you need more information, please contact us by email and we will do our best to support.

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