DMV phone number

What is the phone number of the DMV office near me? The answer to this question changes based on where you live, here you can read information about the contact info of the Department of Motor Vehicles.

First and foremost, visit the convenient DMV Near Me Now website, and click on your state (e.g. California, Alabama etc…) and you will see a list of cities in the state you’ve chosen, click on your city to view a list of DMV offices nearby.


dmv phone number

Another method to find info about the contact number of a DMV office is to check out your official Government website and click on the DMV section, it should show you how to contact the nearest office, as well as the opening hours of the branches.

DMV services

The DMV comes in handy when you need to register your vehicle, or to get a new driver’s license, note that some offices lets you make an appointment so that you won’t have to wait in line.

If you’re having problems finding a office near you now, try to search on Yahoo or Google like this: DMV near + [your address here], the search engine is designed to show you the closest branches in your city.

Each state, city and office has a different phone number you should call to, follow the instructions to find the phone of any DMV office and service.


Please note that this website is not associated with the department of motor vehicles or with any other company, it is a simple online service that provide information about phone numbers of businesses and local offices.

We are not taking responsibility on the information presented in this site, so use it based on your own considerations. In addition, if you’d like to know a specific phone number, please add a comment at the bottom of this page.

We hope that you’ve found the information about the DMV phone number useful, and that you will use this site to find other contact numbers as well, you can contact us by email for special requests at: