Mcdonald’s phone number

What is Mcdonald’s number? Looking to contact Mcdonald’s? Keep reading this post to find Mcdonald’s phone number and delivery number in the US, UK and in more places around the world.

Mcdonald’s corporate office number

McDonald’s phone number: 1-800-244-6227

The number you see below is the official contact number of McDonald’s corporation.

Mcdonald’s phone number

Mcdonald’s delivery phone number

Mdconald’s delivery service is called McDelivery, the delivery phone number is changing depending on the location where you want to place your order. Most of Mcdonalds contact numbers can be found on their official website at, below you can see the contact numbers of McDonalds and McDelivery in some popular locations such as: India, United Kingdom, United States, Canada, China and Australia.

Mcdonald’s Delhi, India number

This is the number of McDelivery in Delhi and in all other cities in India.

Tel: 66 000 666 (Call now)

Web: – Mcdonald’s delivery India.

Web: – Mcdonald’s India official website.

Mcdonald’s UK number

This is the phone number to order delivery in London, Manchester, Birmingham, Leeds, Bradford and in other cities in the UK.

Tel: +44 (0) 370 524 4622 (Call now)


Mcdonald’s US number 

This is the official customer support contact number of Mcdonalds USA for Florida / Texas / California / Singapore etc.

Tel: 1-800-244-6227 (Call now)

The support is available seven days a week, 07:00 am – 07:00 pm.


Mcdonald’s Australia number

Here is the customer service phone number to order Mcdonalds delivery in Australia.

Tel: 02 9875 7100 (Call now)

The business hours are: Monday – Friday: 08:00 am – 05:30 pm.


Mcdonald’s Canada number

To contact the customer service in Canada for questions and inquiries, find a restaurant near you using the link below.

Tel: 1-800-621-7825 (Call now)

The call center is operating: Monday – Friday: 07:00 am – 07:00 pm.


Mcdonald’s Hong Kong, China number

That’s the number to call Mcdonald’s China and to order food delivery for cities such as Shanghai, Beijing, Tianjin, Hong Kong etc.

Tel: 2338338 (Call now)

Web: – order online.

Mcdonald’s Arabia number

Need to contact Mcdonald’s Arabia? If you are from Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Kuwait, Qatar, Oman or Bahrain, visit the link below to find telephone numbers.


To wrap up

The delivery hotline number is available 24 hours is some places, note that you should call to the 800 helpline number if you’re looking for human resources.

There is a lot of information and frequently asked questions such as “can you order Mcdonald’s over the phone” and “what are Mcdonald’s menu prices” which you can read on the company’s online websites.

We hope this post helped you find the phone number of Mcdonald’s in your town, if you still need help you can contact Mcdonald’s customer support using the details below.

Over time I will search for more phone numbers of Mcdonald’s for you and will update this post with relevant and up-to-date information.

You should take in consideration that this site is not associated with the restaurant or with their support team, so if you’ve found a mistake on this page please let us know.

Feel free to add your thoughts about this article using the comments below.

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