Fedex phone number

What is Fedex phone number? How can I contact Fedex customer care by phone? Fedex is a large shipping company, headquartered in the United States of America. Here you can find information about the contact numbers of the main departments at Fedex.

Fedex customer service phone number

Tel: 1-800-463-3339 – Call now

Call to this 1 800 number (1-800-Go-Fedex) to talk with the customer care team by phone.

Also, you can visit this page to find more about the customer service of Fedex online.


Fedex Phone Number

Fedex technical support phone number

Tel: 1-877-339-2774 – Call now

Dial to this number to talk with the technical support team by phone.

Contact Fedex

Use the contact numbers provided below to speak directly with Fedex human resources.

Visit the official website of Fedex Express to find a list of relevant phone numbers, such as your local Fedex number in UK, Canada, US etc.

Yep. More information about the local phone numbers of Fedex can be found here.

You can also contact Fedex via Twitter here, and ask them for the contact numbers that you need.

If you have any questions, contact us by email, or use the contact form of this website to let us know what you need.

Relevant information

Beside Fedex Express, we are also providing the phone number of Amazon customer service in this post, and you can search for other useful contact numbers on the home page of this website.

Please note that we are not associated with Fedex. This website provides contact numbers of large corporations and businesses in the USA, UK, Canada and worldwide.

You can email us if you have ideas on how to improve the user experience of this site, we will do our best to provide support and answers by email.

We hope you’ve enjoyed reading this, and we are wishing you a great day,